Efrat: Using Storytelling to Spotlight a Lesser-Known Nonprofit


Introduce and establish Efrat’s crucial mission to an untapped U.S. audience

For four decades, Efrat has been a pillar of support for expecting mothers in Israel, ensuring they can joyfully welcome their babies amidst financial and emotional challenges. Noticing an unmet need for Efrat’s services in the U.S. Jewish community, Efrat opened its new headquarters in Florida earlier this year. The next step? Acquaint the U.S. Jewish community with Efrat’s mission and garner support.

Narratives — not numbers — bring depth to sensitive topics

While Efrat boasts a legacy of aiding 85,000+ mothers in Israel, the real challenge in the U.S. was twofold: unfamiliarity with the organization and the sensitive nature of its mission. Yet what The Anelis Group knows all too well is that numbers don’t touch the heart — stories do. In order to convey the real human impact of Efrat’s services and paint a vivid picture of the lives they save, the Anelis Group made the strategic decision to let heartfelt stories lead the way.

Save a Life. Guaranteed.

It’s not an understatement to say that Efrat saves lives. By providing crucial care to mothers and their unborn children, Efrat empowers women to lead lives of joy and bring their children into the world. The “Save a Life. Guaranteed.” campaign — launched during the Jewish New Year when so many are focused on the sanctity of human life — included emotionally resonant print ads with letters exchanged between unborn children and mothers, laying bare their fears and dreams, while underscoring Efrat’s pivotal role. The rousing messages revealed the fears, hopes, and aspirations of mother and child, and highlighted Efrat’s instrumental role in guaranteeing life and fostering happiness for each person.

The QR code on the ads led to a deeply moving video, highlighting the journey of expecting and new mothers. This video, combined with soothing music, emphasized the difference Efrat makes and the essential nature of community support.


Through the art of empathetic storytelling and poignant narratives, Efrat’s “Save a Life. Guaranteed.” campaign vividly brought to life the profound impact of their work — educating and inspiring all at once.